Sharing Session on Master’s Degree Opportunities at FTKKP

Sharing Session on Master’s Degree Opportunities at FTKKP

Gambang, February 26 – An online sharing session with potential master students has been organised by FTKKP Postgraduate Studies Committee. The objectives of this program are to provide information on opportunities to pursue postgraduate studies in the research and coursework modes at FTKKP and to promote incentive initiatives introduced by FTKKP (financial aid, Bachelor-Master integration program). FTKKP offers three master programmes by taught course including; Master in Process Plant Operation, Master in Chemical Engineering with Entrepreneurship and Master in Mining with Mineral Technology. In this session, the coordinator for each program have highlighted about the entry requirement, course structure, transfer credit initiative as well as fee structure. Master’s degree candidates also have an opportunity to get a financial assistance from various schemes and sources including Yayasan UMP, PTPTN, MARA etc.
